High School Completion Program

高中完成课程提供基于标准的指导,为学生准备高中同等文凭(HSED)并提高他们的基本阅读技能, 写作, 和数学. 除了, 数字素养, 金融知识, and transition to college assistance are components of the program.

High School Equivalency Diploma by HiSET Pathway

HiSET Pathway的高中同等文凭课程(以前的GED课程)提供免费课程,旨在帮助您获得高中同等文凭,为大学和工作做好准备. Whether you’ve recently left school or have been out of class for years, 我们的项目与所有水平和年龄的学生一起工作,以促进他们的教育,实现他们的学术和职业目标.



  1. 注册

    • 秋季开学: 2024年8月19日
      • 登记 deadline: July 25, 2024
    • 第二季度开课: 2024年10月14日
      • 登记 deadline: September 26, 2024
  2. Attend a two-hour orientation session

  3. 安排评估

  4. Attend class during the first week

Before taking the HiSET exam, you must enroll in classes to improve reading, 写作, 数学, 科学, 以及社会研究技能. 在高中完成课程学习的同时,您还将学习基本的计算机技能,为您准备基于计算机的HiSET考试.

类 are available in the morning and evening. Punctual and regular attendance is absolutely necessary for success. 学生 must be on time and attend classes every day.

你学习的时间长短取决于你开始学习时的学术水平,以及你在学习上投入的时间和精力, 课堂时间, 和家庭作业. 每个学生都不一样. 一些学生在几个月内就能获得相当于高中水平的课程,而另一些学生则需要几年时间才能完成课程.


High School Completion classes are FREE.

Each of the five HiSET subtests is $15.

High School Equivalency Diploma by Credit Pathway


These high school credits can include:

  • 高等教育学分
  • 先前高中学分
  • credits earned while in the High School Equivalency Diploma by Credit Pathway
  • 以前和目前的工作现场学习学分可以计入选修课

高中等级制学分文凭适用于不需要很多学分就能毕业的学生. 需要多个学分才能毕业的学生可以通过HiSET Pathway获得高中同等文凭.



  1. 注册

  2. Attend a three-hour orientation

  3. 安排评估

  4. 提供一份正式的高中成绩单*,直接从家庭高中或经批准的安全第三方机构发送到靠谱买球app推荐的凡克. Miller Adult Learning Center:

    凡克. Miller Adult Learning Center
    Attn: Manager of AEL Enrollment and Assessment Services

  5. 支付75美元的年费

  6. 成绩单将由靠谱买球app推荐的工作人员评估,以确定学生成功完成高中同等文凭所需的课程和学分.


Official high school transcript must include the following:

  • 机构验证(注册官签名、机构印章或水印)

  • Date the transcript was issued.



学生 are required to take a minimum of two high school level courses. 成绩单审核可能会发现需要两门以上的高中水平课程才能满足爱荷华州教育部设定的所有要求.

Each independent study course is offered through an online platform. An instructor will be available for tutoring and advising services. All unit and chapter tests will be proctored at Hawkeye’s 凡克. Miller Adult Learning Center or through remote proctoring services. 除了, 在整个课程过程中,学生将被要求与职业道路专家和过渡专家会面.


High School Equivalency Diploma Based on Foreign Postsecondary Degree Pathway



  1. 注册

  2. Provide Proof of Residency in the State of Iowa

    • Participants must be residents of the state of Iowa for a minimum of 90 days. 学生需要提供来自不同来源的两种形式的文件. Proof of residency in Iowa include:
      • 爱荷华州所得税申报表
      • 帐单
      • 爱荷华州驾照
      • Iowa vehicle registration card
      • Iowa voter registration card
      • Proof of Iowa 首页stead credit on property taxes
      • 来自雇主的书面公证文件,证明学生在爱荷华州工作,或学生签署的公证声明,描述就业和支持来源.
  3. Complete CASAS reading and listening tests.

    • 考生的阅读成绩不低于211分,听力成绩不低于210分.

    • 未达到最低及格分数的参与者将与英语语言学习和家庭扫盲部经理一起注册英语语言学习计划,并决定何时重新参加CASAS阅读和听力测试.

  4. Provide proof of United States citizenship

    • Documentation of citizenship includes a Naturalization certificate, 公民证书, or United States birth certificate.

    • Participants who are not United States citizens are eligible to apply. 学生将与英语语言学习和家庭扫盲部经理一起工作:

      1. Enroll in the appropriate citizenship course and
      2. Enroll in the 英语语言学习 program, where the student will be expected to complete a full semester of classes.
  5. 参加入职培训,与职业道路专家会面,评估你的职业兴趣,并为你的未来目标制定行动计划.

  6. Transcript translation and evaluation

    • 参与者将与过渡专家会面,与第三方外国证书服务机构合作. 靠谱买球app推荐 will not be evaluating foreign transcripts.

    • 由评估和翻译成绩单的第三方外国证书服务机构收取的所有费用由参与者负责. No fees will be collected by 靠谱买球app推荐.


网上注册 或者在货车G停一下. Miller Adult Learning Center.

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am – 7:00pm
  • Wednesdays from 9:00am – 4:00pm

Also see 注册步骤 for the pathway or your choice.


  1. 参加高中完成课程的学生必须在上课的第一天至少年满16岁零9个月才能参加.

  2. 学生 that are the age of 16 years and 9 months, 17, or 18 years old, will need to present a signed copy of the 申请豁免高中同等程度文凭考试年龄表格[pdf] at the time of registration.

    • 适合16岁和17岁的孩子, 法定监护人应在注册前致电319-296-4278与注册专员联系,以确定其他要求并正式注册该计划.

  3. You must be proficient in English. You can improve your English with 英语语言学习 classes.


High School Completion Coordinator

Korianne Gevaert
凡克. Miller Adult Learning Center
319-296-2329 ext.2033
给Korianne Gevaert发邮件


爱荷华州工作. A proud partner of the American Job Center network.
